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High Vibrational Healing Group


I am delighted to welcome you to a new high vibrational healing group to create a better world for us all and generations to follow.

Each week, we will focus on healing elements of ourselves that no longer serve us, or the collective.

Using ancient practices, I will support and encourage you to live from the heart, lighten the mind and expand your experiences to flow in harmony with your body, mind and soul. 


Weekly classes are held in person to enhance the creative force of energy that can raise your vibration and make a difference to the collective.

I would love to see you there. ​​



Our Sessions have now started but you are still very welcome to join on a weekly basis.


There is no need to have joined a previous healing group. I look forward to welcoming you this Autumn. 


Every Wednesday until 15th November from 7pm - 8.30pm. ​





You will find all the information in the link below

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