Spiritual Health & Wellness
​Spiritual and Self-Awareness
Foundational Level
This heart-led and informative interactive 12-week course starts
Jan 7th - March 25th
Tuesday Evenings 7pm - 8.30pm
​(held on-line Zoom)​
Building confidence, inner clarity, strength and trust ... in you and your life.
Keep it real … Keep it simple … Live an authentic life
Finding your natural balance
Focusing on you, your needs and desires becomes clearer when you have a good connection between your physical journey and your spiritual journey. It also brings you into a closer relationship with your core natural gifts, talents and abilities.
Spiritual and Self-Awareness
Life can often sweep us along so quickly that we forget about listening to our instinctive natural guidance or those wonderful moments of insightful epiphanies.
Unified Consciousness
Together we can enjoy exploring and participating in simple practices as an important part of our health and wellbeing.​
Who can attend?
This course is for those of you who wish to find a starting point in understanding more about yourselves and how to master self-responsibility of body, mind, and spirit.
What if I already know the basics
Times change and so do we no matter how much we think we know, there is always more to experience and that is what makes life more interesting, keeping things simple and less cluttered offers us all freedom.
How will attending this foundational course benefit me?
Each week flows and builds into the next as you get to know yourself.
You will feel your health and wellbeing start to raise, holding higher vibrations, clearer environment and stronger boundaries in Body, Mind and Spirit.​
What will I learn and practise?
Holding space for change
Mastering your energy
Individual senses and the clair's
Listening skills
What does it cover in the foundational level?
Breath - The power of conscious breathing​​​
​Intention and Attention - Your core focus on self​​​​​
Charka’s - Creating a healthy flow of connection​​​
​Aura - Keeping a healthy expansive environment​​
​Body - Systems and Flow of healthy Chi​​
​Mind - Thoughts, Beliefs, and Habits​​
Spirit - Mastering your senses – Listening to how you feel.​​
What to expect in your class teachings
The teachings will include,
Self and Spiritual responsibility
What do I need to do …
Prepare … yourself and your space
(Turn off/place on silent your phones)​​​
Find your quite space …
Gather your favourite crystals, light a candle, burn some essential oil, cosy wrap/throw, glass of water, comfy chair and of course your Zoom link
You may wish to make notes, so have pen and paper/journal at hand)​
(Keeping a journal, as you get to know yourself ... is a beautiful reminder of your progress and the path your soul has encouraged you to take).​​
Note: Give yourself time to prepare before and after your teaching, for some self-reflection, so that you don’t feel rushed.
(I usually make sure I have a meal prepared, so I can enjoy the me-time space)​​
Home dedication
Practicing at home will help you strengthen your abilities and bring about clarity, it may bring to the surface more questions in readiness for sharing.
​​​​​​​​​You may ask is this Course for me? ...​
​​​​​​​“When the student is ready the teacher will appear. When the student is truly ready... The teacher will Disappear.”
― Tao Te Ching​​​​​​​
Payment Options Available
Please contact me directly 07506 772 100 to arrange payment options.
Alternatively email me at sandra@holistichc.co.uk