Feel Aligned, Balanced and Recharged
Imagine yourself as a multi-dimensional being radiating energy in all directions, and from every level … body, mind, emotion and spirit … this is your energy field.
These levels naturally flow in a rhythmic pattern, creating perfect harmony, reflecting health and wellness.
What happens if we experience an energy disruption … such as … trauma, fear, shock, worry, anxiety and more, they will all have an impact on us and the way, in which we function.
Why would I need one?
Think about all the people, places, thoughts and emotions you experience every day, all stored up in the subtle layers of your energy … flowing into and out of you all the time … they can become blocked or stuck, creating a heavy or lower vibration for you to live in.
Think of your home … if you never cleaned, tidied or kept things organised it would become overwhelming, not knowing where things are, your thoughts and emotions become messy and confused, so why would we not clean up the unseen stuff. Mostly it's because we are not taught or know how.
How does it benefit me?
The effects … that may have been building for a while, can have a big impact on our health and wellbeing, relationships, finances, career and more.
Often going unnoticed until we feel exhausted, tired, depressed, stuck, or we become unwell.
What is an Energy Health Reset
The focus is on four main areas ...
Aura, Chakras, Meridians and Physical Body
finding the root of what is causing the energy disruption.
By releasing and transmuting the energy that has kept it anchored, you are then able to make sense of your struggles and challenges.
Your 4-week Journey Starts Here ...
Your 4-week journey will bring you many insightful moments in which to reflect, as you begin to connect and make sense of these subtle changes, your energy field starts to recalibrate, heal and strengthen, bringing flow and harmony into your life once again.
Imagine a breath of fresh air flowing through your life …
What to Expect in Your Sessions
Your sessions are held consecutively on Zoom
Each session tends to take 80/90 mins starting with an initial consultation.
(A personal link will be sent at the time of booking)
The focus is on one specific area of your energy field each week, each revealing a pattern of flow.
(Your Soul is the guiding force as to what is disclosed and where it will lead us in each session).
What do I need to do …
Prepare … yourself and your space
(Turn off/place on silent your phones)
Find your quite space …
Gather your favourite crystals, light a candle, burn some essential oil, soft background music, cosy wrap/throw, glass of water, comfy chair and of course your Zoom link
(You may wish to make notes, so have pen and paper/journal at hand)
Note: Give yourself plenty of time before and after your session, so that you don’t feel rushed.
(I usually make sure I have a meal prepared, so I can enjoy the me-time space)
To assist you on your journey …
You will receive from me
Your personal recorded session for you to download each week.
(Offering you the time in which to quietly reflect on your progress)
An oracle card message to focus on, as your journey unfolds.
(A different oracle is used each session)
An Energetic Harmony Report will be sent at the end of the 4-week Reset.
Looking from the window of your soul ….
Your pathway forward
Maintain a good healthy balance of … body, mind, emotion and spirit
Live in flow … maintaining higher vibrations
Consciously ... make healthy choices
Live from your heart and experience a happier, more joyful life … every day
… hold gratitude for being here