Step by Step Guidance: Spiritual Self
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Looking after your spiritual self in three simple steps …
Have you ever asked yourself, what does leading a spiritual life mean?
Think about a time in your life when you did some deep soul searching? It may have been when a loved one passed away, or when you needed some answers to a deep life question, or you may have asked yourself the question as I did … I feel like I don’t fit in, why am I so different to the rest of my family? These things can leave us feeling lost or confused, shut out in the cold, unloved or uncared for.
This is when we start to question - who am I? what am I doing here? how do I go on from here? It is at this point we can start to grow into the beautiful people WE KNOW we are as we learn to break through the adversities. Some of us have already mastered this ability, some of us haven’t.
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