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Available Online

Energy Transformation (1hr)

Single Session for ongoing health and wellbeing.

Service Description

What to expect Energy Transformation sessions can take place via Zoom. Book your session at a time that is good for you where you will not be disturbed or distracted. It is always good to have a glass of water at hand and a box of tissues (as you may feel at times a little emotional). There is sometimes a change in your body temperature, so have a throw or jumper close by. Treatment I will spend the first 15 minutes of every session speaking with you about what is going on for you. I will start to read your energy patterns to find where the disruption is rooted. I will then spend some time going through a healing process with you, which may include: - Using various charts and a dowser to clarify where and how these energies have become rooted and why they are showing up for you now. - Visual conformation, using oracle cards which can offer comfort and inspiration. - Intuitive messages and guidance to uplift and encouragement supporting home use. After your treatment Energy Transformation is a purifying treatment which can leave you feeling a little lightheaded or spaced out, for a few hours afterwards. Keeping hydrated will certainly help your healing process. You may like to take some time to reflect, sleep or nap as your energy re-calibrates a new pattern that serves you and your future health and wellbeing. Creating some valuable time after your treatment will enhance your Soul healing experience. Once you’ve made your booking, you will receive an email confirming your appointment and a Zoom link for joining your on-line session. If you are new to Zoom, please allow time before your appointment to download the app at and try the link.

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